695301 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala, Complete and (Updated) List of Post Offices under 695301 Pincode

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Pincode 695301 - Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Find The List of Post Offices for PinCode 695301 (3 Offices)

We Need Know that 695301 pin code is located in Thiruvananthapuram of Kerala. The table displays the contact address along with the delivery status of 695301 pin code.

As we know that Pin Code is Postal Identification Number through which to track the locations of post offices located in India. It is a unique 6 digit code allotted to different parts of the country. Let us know that the starting two digits of the PINCODE indicate the state information. If You want to Know that What place does the PIN code 695301 belongs to? so below is complete detail you can follow.

Using delhimetrotimes.in you can successfully find pincode of any corner of India. So you can get pincode or area by clicking on either name or pincode here. We have listed all the postal pincodes at delhimetrotimes.in. Here You Can Find the Complete Kerala District Pincode List. Locality comes under the pincode 695301 - Chirayinkeezh, Chirayinkeezhu, Chirayinkil, Nedumangad, Neyyattinkara, Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruvanathapuram, Trivandrum, Trivendrum ect.

Administrative information

Pincode 695301 Area (Tehsil) Thiruvananthapuram
Rest area's Thiruvananthapuram City District Thiruvananthapuram
State name Kerala Postal Circle Kerala
Postal Region Thiruvananthapuram Postal Division Thiruvananthapuram
Locality With Pincode 695301 Chirayinkeezh, Chirayinkeezhu, Chirayinkil, Nedumangad, Neyyattinkara, Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruvanathapuram, Trivandrum, Trivendrum etc.


List of associated post offices

1:- Details of Channamkara B.O Post office [B.O] Thiruvananthapuram Kerala

Post office :- Channamkara B.O
Office type :- B.O
PIN Code :- 695301
Delivery status :- Delivery
Postal taluka :- Thiruvananthapuram
Postal region :- Trivandrum Hq
Postal division :- Trivandrum North
Postal circle :- Kerala
Head-office :- Attingal H.O
Address :- Postmaster, Post office Channamkara B.O, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, Pin code - 695301
Phone. No :- NA

2:- Details of Chittattumukku B.O Post office [B.O] Thiruvananthapuram Kerala

Post office :- Chittattumukku B.O
Office type :- B.O
PIN Code :- 695301
Delivery status :- Delivery
Postal taluka :- Thiruvananthapuram
Postal region :- Trivandrum Hq
Postal division :- Trivandrum North
Postal circle :- Kerala
Head-office :- Attingal H.O
Address :- Postmaster, Post office Chittattumukku B.O, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, Pin code - 695301
Phone. No :- NA

3:- Details of Kaniyapuram S.O Post office [S.O] Thiruvananthapuram Kerala

Post office :- Kaniyapuram S.O
Office type :- Sub Post Office
PIN Code :- 695301
Delivery status :- Delivery
Postal taluka :- Thiruvananthapuram
Postal region :- Trivandrum Hq
Postal division :- Trivandrum North
Postal circle :- Kerala
Head-office :- Attingal H.O
Address :- Postmaster, Post office Kaniyapuram S.O, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, Pin code - 695301
Phone. No :- 0471 2750255

Other Pin Codes in Thiruvananthapuram District

695614 695102 695607 695606 695306 695029 695584 695309 695023 695101 695103 695310 695305 695008 695609 695024 695301 695601 695615 695587 695142 695304 695011 695141 695104 695311 695004 695307 695605 695608 695021 695583 695581 695144 695582 695612 695604 695313 695602 695611 695015 695603 695312 695610 695302 695146 695025 695145 695589 695143 695316 695586 695028 695303 695033 695588 695585 695017 695001 695007 695036 695016 695022 695034 695317 695308 695035 695318 695572 695122 695005 695026 695505 695541 695551 695124 695123 695032 695525 695564 695126 695542 695009 695502 695501 695522 695132 695504 695013 695014 695563 695125 695503 695562 695019 695561 695040 695506 695043 695574 695042 695512 695524 695030 695002 695003 695526 695099 695523 695571 695568 695521 695527 695543 695573 695133 695528 695020 695121 695507 695027 695575 695018 695508 695012 695513 695038 695010 695006 695547 695134

Postal Code Wise List

Disclaimer: We have sourced the PIN Code and postal data from India Post (http://www.indiapost.gov.in). We have made all efforts to collect and present the most accurate information about postal services, offices, areas, and pincodes, but we do not guarantee error-free data. If you come across any discrepancy in postal data, please let us know regarding the same.