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Here we will share you all travel information about Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) as DTC Bus Stop and DTC Bus Stop. Delhi's main public transport operator, Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) is one of the largest CNG-powered bus service operator in the world. Which was incorporated by the Government of India in May 1948 to Delhi Transport Corporation, due to which today about 51 lakh population of Delhi travels from one place to another every day.

However, here we will discuss with you only about the journey of Bus Stop and Bus Stop so that no passenger has to face any kind of trouble. As we know Delhi is the capital of India and one of the busiest places. Delhi Transport Corporation operates on several routes in Delhi and neighboring states. It runs entirely on compressed natural gas.

If you want to know about all the routes or bus numbers of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), then you can know by clicking on DTC BUS Routes. We should also know that the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) buses plying inside Delhi from 34 depots and while the inter-state buses run from three inter-state bus stands, which are at Kashmere Gate, Sarai Kale Khan and Anand Vihar. Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) buses start from morning till 10:30 pm on many routes. The main routes are the Mudrika and Bahri Mudrika, which are on the Mudrika Marg or Mahatma Gandhi Marg and the Bahri Mudrika Marg. At present, the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) has about 6750 buses.

Complete DTC Bus Information

DTC Bus No of Stops